Friday, July 22, 2011

#99 "Jean-PierreCamembert"

A new job, a new transit route (shorter, more crowded, and divided between a bus and train) and some life changes are all putting my character sketching at a slower pace. — but, I enjoy making them enough that I think I'll keep doing it anyway, even if that means 1 character a week or even a month.
Don't be mistaken, I will continue on with apparel designs and other fun things related to my style of art.

This particular sketch was created while on a trip to Paris, where I found out how many people like Camembert cheese... how many people except me. I like almost every form of stinky cheese I can get, but when it comes to soft cheeses... not my thing, and Camembert is even lower on the list for me than brie. Sorry all you French people and soft cheese lover, but don't worry, Jean-Pierre the cat is on your side and he'll sit right beside you in that tiny corner cafe (on of hundreds) and tell you all about his favorite Camembert related stories.